Saturday, March 15, 2008

CGAM 2008

Freshly back from CGAM 2008 in Hollywood, rather tired and jetlagged, but a great week. the conference was quite extraordinary and once again in my opinion clearly indicating that those photographers not adopting CGI will be out of work sooner than they think.

I had the nervous pleasure of speaking on the HDRI panel and presenting a small talk to the gathered masses on how I work with 3d technology in the field, and that received a great response.

So after the debrief and the starry hieghts of LA, its back to reality and I'm preparing for a shoot in Dubai, more on that soon.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

New Website Live

The new website went live today after nearly 4 years since it was last changed, i hope its liked and I promise to update it on a regular basis.